Photos of David Valentin Zapien Mercado
9 to 5 The Musical
- David Valentín Zapién Mercado as Bob Enright
- Janine Kulbida as Ensemble
- Christine Mooney as Kathy
- Mariane Barredo as Maria
- Jessica McIntyre as Ensemble
Photo by Andre Goulet
9 to 5 The Musical
- Christine Mooney as Kathy
- Mada Wentzel Duane as Ensemble
- Megan Simonson as Ensemble
- David Valentín Zapién Mercado as Bob Enright
Photo by Andre Goulet
9 to 5 The Musical
- Gary Silberg as Dick Bernly
- Christine Mooney as Kathy
- David Valentín Zapién Mercado as Bob Enright
- Jane Tetley as Roz Keith
Photo by Andre Goulet
9 to 5 The Musical
- Jill Howell-Fellows as Missy
- Mike Sornberger as Joe
- Cherie Lee as Violet Newstead
- Thompson Harper as Josh
- David Valentín Zapién Mercado as Bob Enright
- Janine Kulbida as Ensemble
- Christine Mooney as Kathy
- Mada Wentzel Duane as Ensemble
Photo by Andre Goulet
9 to 5 The Musical
- Mariane Barredo as Maria
- Jessica McIntyre as Ensemble
- Janine Kulbida as Ensemble
- Megan Simonson as Ensemble
- Jolene Anderson as Margaret
- Christine Mooney as Kathy
- Jane Tetley as Roz Keith
- David Valentín Zapién Mercado as Bob Enright
- Mada Wentzel Duane as Ensemble
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Daniel Ripley as Seabee Hyman Weinstein (Professor)
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- Daniel Ripley as Seabee Hyman Weinstein (Professor)
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Daniel Ripley as Seabee Hyman Weinstein (Professor)
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
- Daniel Ripley as Seabee Hyman Weinstein (Professor)
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
- Daniel Ripley as Seabee Hyman Weinstein (Professor)
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Daniel Ripley as Seabee Hyman Weinstein (Professor)
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Daniel Ripley as Seabee Hyman Weinstein (Professor)
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Daniel Ripley as Seabee Hyman Weinstein (Professor)
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
Photo by Andre Goulet
South Pacific
- Damion Duckett as Seabee Morton Wise/ Henry
- Scott Fea as Yeoman Herbert Quale
- Josh Bailey as Seabee Thomas O'Brien/Lt. Buzz Adams
- D. Valentín Zapién Mercado as Radio Operator Roberto McCaffrey
- Rowena Romero as Bloody Mary
Photo by Andre Goulet